Our straight forward tech helps to provide better care Outside of hospitals

We offer smart remote patient monitoring solutions tailored to the patient’s needs.

Ensuring patients can connect with their clinical team from anywhere using remote monitoring

In today’s healthcare landscape, we prioritize the seamless connection between patients and their healthcare providers. With the help of cutting-edge remote monitoring technology, we make it possible for patients to reach out to their clinical team whenever and wherever they need support

register to join the clinitouch community

Identify early signs of Health decline to prevent hospitalization

Clinitouch provides clinicians with immediate access to
patient health data, allowing them to take prompt
action when deterioration is detected.

How it works

To make use of the Clinitouch service, you will need a smart phone or tablet. Clinitouch allows you to stay in touch with our team of doctors and nurses. The Clinitouch application allows for small surveys informing us about your health condition as well as inserting your daily health readings taken from your medical devices.

Our team monitors the results and reaches out to you if concerns or abnormalities are noted. In this manner, we ensure that your treatment is always optimal and that you avoid costly hospitalization.

A member of the Clinico team will reach out to you to register you on the program. The program is free of charge for all Heritage Health members.

All you need is your own mobile phone or tablet. Email clinitouch@clinicohealth.com to register and join the clinitouch community.

Monitor people’s health from anywhere

Collect Health Data
Over Time

Spot Health Deterioration Early

Pinpoint Clinical Time
When It’s Most Needed

Clinitouch connects patients with their clinical team from anywhere, so that their health can be proactively monitored at home or in the community. Our straightforward tech helps to provide better care outside of hospitals, plus lower costs and free up critical clinical resources.


Experience a limitless health journey with our versatile solution, tailored to
adapt to any health condition. Clinitouch offers a comprehensive approach.
transcending specificity for diverse wellness needs.


Clinitouch is a testament to reliability, backed by robust scientific validation.
Rigorous testing and real-world application ensure it delivers on its promises.


Clinitouch enhances well-being, lowers hospital admissions, and reduces
costs. It minimizes hospitalization, leading to improved health outcomes and
substantial savings.

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